I liked Island in the Sky better than the Needles. I didn't see very impressive canyons around the Needles and it's about a 30 mile drive into the park from US 191. There are some interesting rock formations there, but not all that different from what I saw in parts of northern Arizona. Given a chance to make the trip again, I'd probably skip it and spend more time in Moab, or near Sedona, AZ. (I flew in/out of Phoenix)
I drove thru Monument Valley when there was a strong wind out of the south, along with sandstorm. What might be an interesting route, if you don't mind driving a gravel road that drops down the face of a mesa, check out Moki Dugway. I stumbled on it by driving Rt 95 west from Blandin then Rt 261 south. It is a gravel road with about 10% grade for 3 miles and sharp (5MPH) switchbacks. Trailers and oversize vehicles are not recommended. I'm not fond of heights and it was kind of a white-knuckle drive, but the view is nice.