Originally Posted by xepherys
That's why the government and/or military provides training. Even if you have a degree in the MOS you choose, you still go through the same training as someone whose never done it before.
I have no idea what an MOS is, but it seems both foolish and inefficient to give everyone the same training regarless of background.
How many people do you think are qualified to be infantry before enlisting?
Well, given that that is a job that exists solely within the military, I'd say none.
Well, statistically it's possible. Most Army and VA hospitals are in desperate need of volunteers and medical professionals. The lack thereof could be hurting someone. I'm not trying to argue that you SHOULD do one of these things, but rather that dismissing them outright seems a bit cold.
That I'm cold is how most people see me, so you hit on the obvious there.
I don't, however, see how my putting my talents to use where I'm most useful is harming anybody, or possibly could.
There's a difference between a job and civil service. Nearly ALL jobs are important to some degree or another.
You do realize that public school teachers are government employees, do you not? I've done my civil service.
Teachers, lawyers, doctors... sometimes going above and beyond your comfort zone not only allows you to better serve your fellow countryfolk (even those that may not deserve it) but also give you new space for personal growth.
Absolutely. I see no connection to being forced into unwanted labor by the goverment.
Teachers are great! Sadly, we have too many that are not qualified to be teaching their subject or grade or anyone in some cases.
This is true. I'd venture that the same thing is true of every profession, including the military. It's part of why it would be exceedingly foolish to take me from a job that I'm qualified for and good at to do a job I would hate, for which I am not qualified, and which I would do poorly.
Gilda, aside from your posts here, I don't know you. You might be the best teacher in the tri-county area. But just saying, "I'm a teacher, so I serve my country" is a bit trite. Sorry...
The same could be said of being in the military, which by the way, doesn't want me or anybody in my family, regardless of our ability to serve.