Originally Posted by ngdawg
What I noted was the 'one-sidedness'as it were of those of us with kids who have responded at length-I'd actually like to hear from parents who wouldn't do it ever again or who regretted becoming parents, etc., but perhaps they feel they shouldn't respond for whatever reason.
Those of us who enjoy the journey tend to go on about it; I can understand the put-offedness about it.
There have been good times & bad.
I certainly never expected to end up a single mom...every parent should have a plan for raising the children alone, we never know what life can bring. There's always a chance you will be left holding the bag all alone.
It's been a hard road, and truthfully, I wouldn't do it again if I knew then what I know now. But I was 18 & thought I was bulletproof.
I would leave the parenting to those who have more to offer than a mom who spent most of their childhood just trying to keep them in milk & shoes.
On the other hand, I have learned so much from my kids & they've kept me going through very very dark times. If not for them, I know I would not still be walking the earth.
I think one can do good by the world's children other than raising one.