It's simple. 90% of people who drive shouldn't have been given licenses in the first place. on Monday I got held up by three traffic jams because people can't take an 800 foot/30° curve without jamming on their brakes. The problem in the US is that people grow up learning that it's OK to do things half-assed, and when you do a half-assed job of piloting a 5000 pound land barge, bad shit happens. We go in for emissions testing every two years or else we can't drive our cars, we should have to pass a driving test that often or have licenses revoked. Polls have shown that 90% of people think they drive better than most other drivers, and if I assume that "better than most other drivers" means that they think they're in the top 10 percent, then at least 8 out of 9 people polled are wrong, and dangerously so.
Originally Posted by Lady Sage
Yesterday I saw a police man (yes male) (no not gender bashing) driving a police car and talking on his cell phone... way to set an example eh?
I see that all the time, and our in-car phone ban has been around for months.
Originally Posted by Sultana
Imagine--a driving lane and a passing lane! Imagine a driver pulling into the right lane when someone faster than them is pulling up behind them! And I had never been trained to think about driving that way, ever.
That's the way CT laws work. Nobody enforces it, so nobody follows it. I feel that the drive-right laws should be enforced with anti-tank weaponry, if necessary.