Originally Posted by host
A solution would be to divide this forum into two sections....a "feelings" or "faith based" posting section, where everyone "knows what they know", but can't or won't supply the sources of where they learned what they "know", and a section for those who endeavor to post every link and documented excerpt that supports our opinion and leads others to examine validity and reliability for themselves.
You see Host just because you cant google something does not mean it is not "fact", now your a talking about someone on the ground in Iraq, and dismissing his facts as there are more outside insurgents on the ground than you can google, well my son in law just returned from his second tour there and he has told me the same thing, plus numerous friends I have that are higher ranking troops have told me the same.
Who says you to determine what is "feelings or faith based" information?
I guess experience has no effect on learning, if it can not be googled.
Just sometimes people know what they know because they lived it, and experience "IS" the best teacher.
So just keep demanding "facts" by the click of a search engine, while I will take someones experiences over a NYT or Washington posts op-ed piece anytime.