Originally Posted by xepherys
As a side note, this bill wouldn't affect me as I'm already enlisted and have done more than two years as it is. As for my boys... I'd love to see them required to be in civil service of some nature for 2 years. In fact, if I have the means by which to do so, I will make their higher education contingent on it after they graduate, even if just for one year or for summers during college (if non-military).
Well, after they graduate college, they're eligible for the Peace Corps, and they receive an educational award after finishing their tour of service that can be applied to student loans or additional education. Americorps is much more flexible in that you do not sign up for a 2-year stint, but rather choose positions to apply for, all of which have different requirements (in education and length of time). They also have an education award after fulfillment of the contract.
Make them sign up for a program such as the Peace Corps or Americorps, and they'll get more out of it--and you'll have to do less work.