I couldn't disagree with you more...
we will have to assume that everyone is a bad driver and pass laws as such
That is the very antithesis of the American Judicial System. Innocent until proven guilty... sound familiar? If we based laws carte blanche becuase people are idiots, there'd be a LOT of very restrcitive laws that I doubt you would be willing to accept.
First of all, people die or kill because they are in too much of a hurry regardless of cell phone usage. People have ALWAYS found ways to be distracted during driving and since cars have existed, people have ALWAYS been involved in automobile-related deaths. Putting on makeup, eating, drinking, talking to a passenger, listening/signing to the radio, checking out the hot chick/dude in the car next to you, looking at one accident while you rear end the person in front of you, dropping a cigarette/hot coffee/french fry in your lap, so on and so forth. So why target ONE of those (also the newest of them) instead of ALL of them? They are ALL distractions! Ban radios from vehicles. Ban passenger conversations. If a cop pulls up next to you and you are moving your lips... BAM! Ticket city baby! If you're taking a swig of your Mounatin Dew or trying to shove 20 fries in your mouth... BAM! License REVOKED! Sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it? Well, I think so at least. I'm not willing to allow such laws into place without a fight myself... same goes for cell phone usage.
Perhaps, again, if new laws are to be enacted, they should require people to more adamantly prove that they are competant drivers. Perhaps part of the driving test should include driving while talking on the cell phone with kids in the back seat and trying to steer with your knees while eating a Big Mac. At least then we'd KNOW you could do it, worst case scenario. I'm not completely trying to be funny... but if laws need to come into place, it needs to be the RIGHT laws. Perhaps they need to institute a federal driver's license. I know the state's would get all wonky about it, but if it's a federal plan, they can have federal guidelines and everyone is the same. State to state variances for something that seems so important is fairly ridiculous in my opinion.