Loan or No Loan?!?!?
I just got off the phone with my exwife. She wants me to loan her 50 bucks to cover the rent. Just yesterday I gave her the 200 bucks, for this months child support. I already watch my daughters an extra evening so she can work. With the extra day, I have them more than she does.
I’m not really sure if I should or not. I know she would pay me back if she could, but she won’t have the money to do so. I make almost 2x as much as she does, and it really wouldn't affect me financially if I did give/loan her the money. I'm don’t want to do it out of spite or anything like that. I feel that she needs to learn to pick herself up, and not be so depended on people/state. I don’t know, maybe its not my place to make that kind of decision for her.
Help me.
Should I loan her the money or not.
Her juju beads are so nice
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Im the king of pomona