Wow. Now they've taken to comparing driving while drunk with driving while talking on a cellphone. Fucking pathetic.
Distraction? Maybe... if you are a person who can't do more than one thing at a time. I can walk and chew gum at the same time, I can pat my head and rub my tummy at the same time, and I can drive and use a phone at the same time.
Blaming a phone is a piss-poor diversion from the real problem- people are not paying attention, they are shitty drivers, and they don't care about others on the road. I drive 45 minutes on the highway minimum of 4 days a week, to and from school. And don't whip out your drive times and compare length with me, this isn't a pissing contest. The point is that people ASTOUND me with how horribly they perform behind the wheel of a vehicle- distractions or no. They change lanes without looking, they behave as though they're the only ones on the road, they can't stay in their own lane, they tailgate dangerously and weave in and out of traffic like morons, cutting people off at every move.
It's bad drivers that we need to fix, not the damn phones. I guarantee that 99% of all accidents where a cellphone was involved were caused because the person is a shitty driver to begin with, and compounded the issue with their stupidity by adding something that distracts them from their already shitty driving.
Originally Posted by highthief
Personally, I see no reason people need to yak on the phone while driving other than they want to. Pull over if you really have to talk.
That's a great idea. If I ever become Amish, i'll consider doing just that. Of course, then I won't have a car or cellphone.
Meanwhile, I want to talk to people and I have places to be, and "pulling over to talk on the phone" is damn near the silliest thing I hear every time this issue comes up.