This could be so many things. Jock itch (yeast infection) for which you can use antifungal sprays or creams. Clortrimazole is an anti-yeast-growth cream but does not actually kill the yeast. Lamisil actually kills the yeast. Both will be effective but the clortimazole will take longer. This is not entirely a sexualyl transmitted thing. If you have athetes foot, nail fungus or any other number of forms of yeast in a shower at the gym or on your body and you use a damp towel to dry off down there after a shower you could introduce the yeast to your penis.
It could be a bacterial infection which could result from sex or not. It can come from any sources and your girlfriend could harbor without having any symptoms of her own. btw - the sebacious glands under the forskin secret an oil that has antibacterial properties that can help get rid of this. Otherwise, neosporin ointment could help you get rid of this if this is the issue.
This could be from washing too much. If you pull back the forskin to wash underneath and you do not rinse thoroughly the soap could irritate or dry out the skin. Don't wash it too much as the oils that are secreted there could help protect you if you don't wash them off.
No matter what, For any irritations down there, a handy cream that is helpful for both males and females are Vagicain or Vagisil. Both of these have numbing agents, healing emolients and antiseptic properties. There may be a mild burning when you first apply it if you have a fungal infection but it will go away rapidly and will help heal the cracks in your skin.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.