Parents of friends are Mr./Mrs. unless they wish otherwise. My wife's mothers was Ms. until she told me to call her by her first name. Her grandmother has always been "Nanna" to both her and me. Once my wife and I moved in together and got married her mom is now 'mom' when my own mother isnt around, then it is just first name. My wife calls my parents by their first name or Mom and Dad.
Regarding to what Onesnowyowl said about the bank. My personal preference is this. My first name is my name, if you want to use that, use that. I have a last name that I answer to with or without Mr. in front of it ( Army R.O.T.C ). However, I am no longer a minor, so anyone I deal with that insists I use Mr. or Ms. to address them, I will accept no less in return.
Also, any adult gets Sir or Ma'am from me when in a semi or formal setting. With close friends it seems too cheesey, but an office environment ( unless the person tells me otherwise, will receive a yes/no sir, maam in answer to a single yes or no question. Overuse of sir or maam is silly and loses the point of stating it.
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.
Last edited by tenchi069; 07-04-2006 at 10:38 AM..