Originally Posted by xepherys
Will, I agree that a lot of people have no business driving whatsoever. However, I've successfully driven for 13 years. I've had ONE accident, it was just when I got my license and it was the other guys fault becuase he was BACKING down my road (a semi-major road) as I was backing out of the driveway.
Then I'd say that idiot has no business driving. He should have his license revoked. I'm glad you're okay.
Originally Posted by xepherys
I talk on my cell phone, eat, drink, listen to music, sing to music, talk to passengers, ponder the meaning of life, yet I'm a good driver. It's not THAT hard. I'm mostly worried about the people that can't even drive well when there ARE no distractions... *sigh*
And that's the point. I trust myself, but I can't trust others. I don't view talking on cell phones or drinking a coke as civil liberties, so I have no problem giving them up for the greater good.
Originally Posted by xepherys
I agree with the one ticket thing. Maybe a ticket revokes your license for 2 years, then you have to pay to get it back. That let's someone makes a mistake, learn (hopefully) from it and then get on with their lives. I don't think there should be laws against food and phones. Some of us DON'T have issues with it.
You're right, some of us don't have issues with that, but that doesn't mean that we are immune to the effects of those who do have issues. I could be the best driver in the world, and some octagenarian who can't even see over the steering wheel could plow into me doing 15 mph through a red light. I have no control over the driving abilities or habits of others. I like the idea of revoking a license for a year or two because of a traffic violation. The idea of penalizing people is to teach more than to punish.
Das Autobahn is sehr gut. Germans do take driving more seriously (cars in Germany don't have cup holders, what does that tel you?) than we do and the result is obvious. Less disctractions = less crashes.