Will, I agree that a lot of people have no business driving whatsoever. However, I've successfully driven for 13 years. I've had ONE accident, it was just when I got my license and it was the other guys fault becuase he was BACKING down my road (a semi-major road) as I was backing out of the driveway. I talk on my cell phone, eat, drink, listen to music, sing to music, talk to passengers, ponder the meaning of life, yet I'm a good driver. It's not THAT hard. I'm mostly worried about the people that can't even drive well when there ARE no distractions... *sigh* I agree with the one ticket thing. Maybe a ticket revokes your license for 2 years, then you have to pay to get it back. That let's someone makes a mistake, learn (hopefully) from it and then get on with their lives. I don't think there should be laws against food and phones. Some of us DON'T have issues with it.