No one under 18 drives, no phones in the car ever (unless the car is off and parked), no one eats or drinks in a car, one ticket fore anything and your license is suspended, and the test must be passed with a 90%. I might be all for civil liberties and freedom, but cars are an enormous responsibility and most people aren't responsible in behind the wheel.
I watched this morning as a mother of at least 3 kids, who were in the front and back seat eating breakfast, almost run me over on my bike. I was not only in the bike lane, but was over into the gutter. She was drinking coffee and talking on her cell phone. She drifted a total of 10 feet from the middle of the right lane into the bike lane and almost hit the curb. Not only did I not get the courtisy wave, but she flipped me off and continued driving like a madwoman down the street. I wish this was an isolated inncodent, but it's really not. If I had to guess, I'd say that 50% of drivers break at least one traffic law per week (includes speeding, changing lanes without signaling, running red lights and stop signs, cutting people off, tailgating, and road rage illegally passing, not understanding the simple process of a 4 way stop, and obviously trying to kill me). That's based off my observation, but I'd be willing to bet statistics would support my claim. That's down right dangerous.
If there is a conversation that is important enough to have while driving, then it's important enough to pull over for. If not, then put down the phone and call when you get to where you're going. By using the phone, eating or drinking, or even smoking in the car, you are endangering people around you. It is already obviously hard enough to drive according to the rules of the road without complicating it.