Level 1: Aquaintence: You've just been introduced to your SO's parents. You call them Mr. and Mrs. and always Sir and Ma'am. Pull out chairs and open doors, and do everything you can to show them respect. They created something pretty special, after all.
Level 2: Friend: You've known them for a while, and you are comfortable talking to them in formal and casual environments. You still call them Mr. and Mrs. unless specifically told otherwise, but it's delivered less formally.
Level 3: Good friend: You've actually told them some of your jokes, none of the bad ones, mind you, but a few. You are now on a first name basis with both parents, and you've probably met extended family by this point.
Level 4: You told them the dead baby joke, and they loved it. You can call them whatever you want.
Note: on your wedding day, it's back to Level 1 for 24 hours, after all, you're about to deflower their precious.
I'm at level 5: You call them Mom and Dad, and they have activley tried to steal you away from your own parents. They know about your arrest record, and love their grandkid(s). They have a key to your house, and visa versa, and they volunteer for daycare evn if you don't need it.