If you are bringing a pet with you, please don't let it be put in the cargo hold. The airlines just aren't to be trusted with your dog. Consider how badly they often treat you, and then consider how they would treat an animal that can't talk back. The area of the cargo hold the pets are in, while pressurized and air conditioned, is extremely loud (usually little if any sound insulation) and often dark. When my dog was brought back from Colorado in the cargo hold, even sedated he did not do well. When we saw him he was shaking and had soiled himself.
The airlines are also not responsible for the well being of your pet as has been proved in an Air Canada case of a dog who died. Since the dog is little, I recommend getting a little doggy bag and carrying your dog on. This way he can be consoled, fed, and generally taken care of. Plus, as long as he's quiet, flight crews love having dogs on the plane. I wish you the best of luck on the move.
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