Originally Posted by MechCow
I know murderers who have received lesser sentences than this. I challenge anyone who supports this ruling to critically examine it and to provide evidence of why it is the best course of action for the community at large. In your evidence you should provide economic and social gains.
While I don't know any murderers personally (at least that were caught) I think many of us who support this sort of thing would be far more likely to want the murderers to be harsher punished rather then lighter sentence be given because some murderer got less of one.
Arguing economics and gain in this situation is silly. The most economical law enforcement is the $1.25 a single bullet costs. Any system that is not based on physical punishment will be very uneconomical.
Being I do not believe in rehabilitation via the institution of prison itself society gains when such types are out of the general population.
Using a period of societal break down as an excuse for a personal crime spree shows you have very little value to society as a whole. The logical course of action would be to remove those individuals from society, only our compassion keeps this idea from reaching is very logical, economical and beneficial conclusion in the most direct manner.