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Old 07-02-2006, 11:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
trickyy's Avatar
my favorite tagger is Mp3tag --

* Write ID3v1.1-, ID3v2-, APEv2-Tags and Vorbis Comments to multiple files at once
* Full Unicode support
* Support for embedded cover art
* Automatically create playlists
* Recursive subfolders support
* Remove parts or the entire tag of multiple files
* Rename files based on the tag information
* Import tags from filenames
* Format tags and filenames
* Replace characters or words from tags and filenames
* Regular Expressions
* Export tag information to user-defined formats (like html, rtf, csv, xml)
* Import tag information from online databases like freedb or Amazon (also by text-search)
* Import tag information from local freedb databases
* and much more ...
the program does quite a bit. i get a lot of music from various sources and i end up fixing hundreds of tags at a time. sometimes all i have is a list of the tracks. luckily this program can import tag info from a .txt file.

it can also do a lot of mass tag/filename editing.
if you have files named:
01 - britney spears - toxic - omgwtfbbq
02 - clipse - grindin' - omgqtfbbq
03 - li'l scrappy pants and the strategic partnerships - hickory justice - omgwtfbbq
you can extract the artist and song title tags from the filename, capitalize words, and change the filename format to %track% - %title% for numerous files at once.
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