Eating disorder
First of all I want to say: I don't know if its called a disorder, but that was what my dictionary told me.
I don't feel hunger. At all. I can go a day without feeling the urge of eating. I hear people say "Ah, going to be nice with some food now" and all I can think is "some food would be healthy for me now".
Basically I eat because I (think I) have to eat. Only time i felt hunger was after a day or two in front of the geekbox - and even then I just slept and i went away. I don't eat much eighter. A slice of bread for breakfast and what normal people would call very little lunch. I have never been able to eat a whole pizza alone - wich is quite normal among my friends.
I don't have any bad self-esteem about my body other than that im quite thin - nothing to keep me from the beaches and stuff.
Other than this im quite healthy, not sick very often but im quite thin (not dagerously) but some fat woudnt hurt.
Is this a disorder? Should I seek out help?
(You have to excuse my not-so-good english. English was never -my- subject of favor)