Well, I might as well roll up my sleeves and wade on in.
1. Why we fight:
Under the terms of the 1991 ceasefire, Iraq was obligated to give free and unfettered access to weapons inspectors, and to account for the dispossition and/or destruction of his WMD stockpiles which we knew he had (we kept the reciepts). He did not do this. The onus of action was on Iraq to preserve the ceasefire from the 1991 conflict. They did not do this, therefore it was legal for us to invade Iraq. Unfortunatly it was, as we have seen, not neccessary to invade Iraq. There was never a threat to us, regardless of what the initial posters military friend said (how would he know how close a weapon was to being nuclear capable, anyway).
2. Are the troops doing a good job:
For the most part, yes. I'll even give it an emphatic HELL YES. What sucks is that that for all the good the military is doing on a small scale, the big picture keeps getting worse. We build schools, dig wells, pave roads, and stock hospitals, but every day more and more Iraqis are killed in sectarian violence. Iraq is less secure now than is has been since Hulagu, and it is the fault of a failed policy, not the military.
3. Immediate withdrawl vs. reinforcing failure:
This is the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, and we are at it again. It is not feasable (politicaly) to cut and run, and it is getting less and less feasable to keep pouring our young men and women into the meat grinder with no foward progress being made. The cynic in me believes that we will declare victory a few months prior to the 2008 elections.
Blah, this has all been rehashed a million times. The point is this:
It does not matter what the military thinks.<p>It is not our job to like or dislike the mission, or to play cheerleader or protester. It is our job to carry out the orders of the President of the United States.
It is your job, as citizens, to decide if the mission is justifiable, and if it is not, make the neccessary changes.
Fortunato became immured to the sound of the trowel after a while.