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Old 07-02-2006, 03:22 AM   #67 (permalink)
Location: LSD
Punishment for crimes normally falls into a few broad categories. Rehabilitation, deterrent, isolation from the rest of the community and revenge. If we look at each of these characteristics and consider logically from this moment in time how we can make the best society (remembering we can't change the past with our ruling today) I think we'll find that this sentence is not fair.

- Rehabilitation
It is very unlikely that someone locked up for 15 years will come out and not steal again. More likely they will become institutionalized and learn newer ways to commit crimes and have a new angst towards society.

- Deterrent
Its very unlikely that anyone will think during a natural disaster that they may receive 15 years for their crime and better not commit it. Its not considered a very serious attack against social justice or something that is likely to cause great guilt out of citizens. People know that people still from each other every day. The message here is - don't get made an example of.

- Isolation from the community
There is no evidence that these people were dangerous. The reality is that many people who commit crimes of passion or take advantage of circumstances like this are also people who can be very productive members of society. We are taught at a very young age that there is good people and bad people, and its often much more convenient to take on this view than to seriously consider the human mind and how people really behave because that is complicated and asks questions we don't like to think about.

- Revenge
This decision is based on fear and outrage experienced by the community at large created by the media coverage of this event. It shows what happen when people control the courts as well as the government, rulings are based on mob mentality rather than criminology, psychology and evidence. The truth is the court system is very complicated and should be left up to professionals who have studied it but people are arrogant and believe they know what is best for themselves without any attempt to research it.

I know murderers who have received lesser sentences than this. I challenge anyone who supports this ruling to critically examine it and to provide evidence of why it is the best course of action for the community at large. In your evidence you should provide economic and social gains.

Remember that the average cost of keeping a prisoner for a year is $20 000. The true losers / suckers are the taxpayer - not only have they been hit by an inept system that breeds people who place no value on the community and steal from it at any opportunity, they then get hit by an inept justice system which costs a fortune and delivers no results. Only repeat offenders. It just costs so much to make you feel like you are safe - especially when you make no attempt to learn and critically evaluate the best way to achieve that.

I'm with the thieves. Your society is broken and corrupt and although I live within it and enjoy participating in it but I will continue to fight for against your fear and irrationality for a better tomorrow. In the words of the late great Bill Hicks "Go back to bed America. Your government is in control".
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