Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
Try buying some protein powders. The protein (which has amino acids in them) will help soreness by giving your muscles the building blocks they need to recover. Other sources of protein are milk (~9 grams/8 ounces), peanut butter (~10g/2 tablespoons), and grilled chicken breasts (~18g/3-4oz). Protein powders typically have around 25g of protein per serving.
He's correct here.
I mentioned the 4:1 carb to protein ratio. That has both something to do with getting carbs in your system and it helps your body process the protein more effectively - and quicker. Both help you recover faster within that 45 minute window.
Carno... you are young and won't notice results of your eating for some time. Youth tends to overcome poor eating. However, you don't know how good you could feel if you did eat right. Avoiding all those trans fats and other bad fats, along with processed sugars and flours. Of course, that means almost no fast foods which is tough to do. You'll really miss out in years to come with quality of life. It's the old saying...you don't know what you don't know. Like someone that finds out they need glasses, but onlky when they go to an optometrist and find out what they could have been seeing.
It's never too late to improve lifestyles choices!