Originally Posted by Daval
I added in the spoiler tags.
... I laughed when I saw that you even tagged the spoiler for Empire Strikes Back ... I'm almost afraid to meet someone who isn't familiar with that one ...
Employee of the Month - A funny movie which should have gotten more recognition. Spoiler:
Probably the most plot twists I've ever seen in the shortest amount of time... interestingly enough they were over the closing credits.
I'll second that vote for Shawshank Redemption
Good call on Fight Club, too. Can't believe I missed that call.
To Live and Die in L.A. - another classic action film Spoiler:
Who would have guessed that the hero of the film would get a facefull of buckshot just before the climax of the film? I was totally disoriented when that happened and didn't know what to expect next.
Chinatown - this one really disturbed me. Spoiler:
Faye Dunaway who is trying to flee with her daughter is shot dead in front of her daughter .... while John Houston, her evil millionaire dad who had raped her and is the father/grandfather to her daughter lives and takes his "granddaughter" away into his "care." John Houston was just waaay too convincing in that role ... he turns my stomach whenever I see him now in any movie ... even his old films
Dogs of War - with Christopher Walken - great action film - Spoiler:
Corporate interests hire a band of mercenaries led by him to overthrow the tiny African republic of Zangaro so that they can install a puppet dictator. In the dawn after the successful and bloody coup, Walken and his remaining men sit among the ruins of the palace as the new dictator and his corporate sponsors arrive by helicoptor "late" for the extraction (endangering the lives of the mercenaries). "Looks like you'll have to buy it all back," Walken says as he draws his pistol and shoots the dictator between the eyes and walks away ..." wow.
Band of Brothers - probably my favorite war film/miniseries - Spoiler:
And in the end you learn that the WW2 veterans (whose words and stories punctuate the beginning and/or ending of each episode) are the actual characters depicted in the epic .... until that moment you might have assumed that the characters and situations were fictionalized because their stories were so amazing ... gives me chills even now.