Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
An "Op ed piece and one cited critic"? I'm thinking you simply skimmed over the article.
Uh, no. It's interesting where you end the quote there. What I actually said was
Yes that was an interesting op ed piece, which cites a single critic of the research from "my side"
Notice the "from my side" part. Leaving that out changes the meaning drastically.
Your claim was that the research I cite is "largely in question" and "they are under heavy fire from both sides". This isn't so. One critic was cited from "my side", which does not equate to the studies being "largely in question" or "under heavy fire" from "my side".
My side consists of pretty much every mainstream medical and psychological organization in the United States, and you can see their positions cited above. Some cite the studies, some have null positions that basically say "no harm has been shown".
That's not a study, it's a position paper co-authored by members of Marriagewatch, an organization whose purpose is attacking same sex marriage, written for the purpose of attacking generally accepted research because it is hurting their cause, and published by that organization.
It says nothing to indicate that homosexual parents harm their children.
And there's the one critic that is nominally on "my side" who questions the validity of the studies. This is hardly a justification for your hyperbole in claiming that they're "largely in question" or "under heavy fire".
Note, however, she makes no claim that homosexuals in any way harm their children, and cites no studies in favor of that conclusion. This is likely because every study published in a mainstream peer reviewed journal concludes that there is no harm.
A child does better in families in which a mother and father is present-- That we already know.
It's still an incomplete comparison. Better than what? Better than which children?
Now, concerning your second point, I have to ask what studies are those? Opponents and proponents alike agree that the current studies comparing heterosexual couples to homosexual couples are drastically flawed, yet you embrace them anyway, continuing to use them as the basis of your argument. That makes very little sense.
Of course opponents attack them. That's what makes them opponents. That's not an argument, that's a definition.
But the proponents? The concensus of the mainstream medical and psychological community is that there is no evidence to support the idea that children of homosexuals are harmed by being raised by homosexuals.
You've found one pro-gay marriage critic of the research, and she concludes that the studies are flawed, not that homosexuals are harmed.
And now you're ignoring the crux of my argument. The core purpose of marriage is to provide a man and woman a stable environment in which to rear children.
You have two rhetorical fallacies here, two premises and circular reasoning or begging the question.
First, that's really two separate premises--A. Marriage is between a man and a womand and B. marriage is for the purpose of providing a stable environment in which to rear children.
Second you conclude that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. You've used your conclusion as a premise in your argument, which renders it invalid.
However, let's look at those two premises for a second. Let's start with B. If marriage does in fact provide a stable environment for the rearing of children, wouldn't this be true also of the children of homosexual couples? Now let's look at premise A. Extending marriage rights to homosexual couples would not in anyway change this. Marriage would still be between a man and a woman. It would also be between a man and a man and a woman and woman.
Even if we accept this argument at face value, it does not preclude extending marriage rights to homosexual couples, because that purpose--providing a man and a woman with a stable environment in which to rear children--would still exist unchanged. A man and a woman could still get married, have and rear children.
Your claim there is both fallacious and doesn't even support your conclusion.
If you don't claim them as "True", then for what purposes do you continue to cite them?
I cite them as evidence that children of homosexuals are not harmed by being raised by homosexuals. There's little evidence regarding transsexuals, but what little there is doesn't point to any harm there, either, but since most transsexuals are straight, that's really a tangent.
Single parents can raise better kids than heterosexuals, too. That means very little in the way of social implications. Basing any type of conlusion off of such a small sample size is going to give you skewed-- Or even intended-- Results.
Yeah, that's why I said anecdotal, sample size too small, possible other explanations, etc. I wasn't proposing anything with that, just sharing some interesting new information.
I might have misread, but it seems to me as you were posting links in hopes to disprove the notion that gay parents raise socially different children than heterosexuals, but I could be wrong.
Yeah, that was poorly worded, let me rephrase.
I was posting links that give evidence in support of the position that homosexuals do no harm. My point was that even if do manage to disprove those studies, which has not been done, you're not showing harm of any kind. Until you can show harm caused by homosexual parents, your argument is not a valid one for denying homosexuals the right to marry.
Nor is it even one then.
Correction: I oppose gay marriage under the basis that the purpose of marriage is to provide a man and a woman a stable environment for rearing a child. Of course, if I didn't believe marriage was between a man and a woman I would have no opposition to your original statement.
I apologize for my mistatement. You do realize that this argument is a tautology, and thus invalid, do you not?
I'm not going to get into religion, but you must realize that the UU is considered-- For a lack of a better word-- As radical among the Christian community. Good luck having your marriage recognized by the majority of them.
Yeah, I realize that's the position. I'm not seeking to get any church other than the one of which I am a member to recognize my marriage, which is between me, my wife, and God.