Originally Posted by The_Jazz
This is an excellent idea. Although you'll end up with a larger bottom line at the end of the day, your home and your car will both be covered and, at least theoretically, at rates lower than if you bought the policies separately.
Actually, this was not the case, at least in my personal experience. It was cheaper for me overall to actually have both insurances than to have just vehicle coverage. The discount on my vehicle was more than the price of the renters insurance...
Just thought I'd toss that out there. It may not be the case in all instances, but in mine it was.
Some possible contributing factors, though -
I had full covereage insurance
My insurance was really expensive - I think I was either 18 or 19 at the time I bought my vehicle. Although I only had one ticket (from when I was 16) my insurance was really expensive because I was so young, a male, and had just bought a brand new sports car...