Originally Posted by pan6467
I suppose in the world of the elite politicians who feel they know how to run people's lives better than the individual does, they are "entitled" to this.
Pan, it's the office that is being afforded the protection/services, not the individual. The individuals who hold the office are due the respect that comes with that office, regardless of your thoughts on their politics, personal life or whatever. I may think that George W. Bush has trouble stringing two intelligent thoughts together, but I will still stand when he enters a room, call him "Mr. President" and generally give him the respect due. Outside that room, I tell you that he's the wrong choice to lead the country, but in the room, I would never say such a thing unless he asked me to honestly give my opinion.
In a word, they are
entitled to this kind of service, regardless of party, regardless of what it's for and regardless what kind of leader and person they are.