Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
So unskilled laborers with little to no education that work 40 hours should make equitable salaries to what you make? Should someone with little to no experience make the same wages that someone with 20 years does? Then why do countries with abject lines of rich and poor have such rigorous education and more educated graduates that move to more prosperous nations than countries with social welfare?
Did you even truly read my post?
How did you get equitable to liveable from my post. I never suggested paying the same, just enough to live ......... so please do not put words into my mouth or try to make my argument look like something it isn't.
So we should have poor people who work their asses off for 40 hours and be paid wages that are just above or below poverty level.
So someone who is unskilled but works his ass off for 40+ hours a week SHOULD struggle and barely make it??????
Yet the CEO who pays everyone to make him look good can make 100's of x's what that poor schlob makes.
Oh and by the way...... are you saying because someone didn't graduate high school or college they are not worth wages that would give them a decent life?
And this isn't another country, this is the USofA supposedly the greatest country ever, yet we can't get corporations to pay people enough to live decent lives.
You don't want to raise wages ....... fine then the guy making $10/hour or and works 40 hours a week doesn't have to have income taxes. CEO's can have that burden added onto theirs.
I know plenty of people WITH college degrees that have been at jobs for years and are making only $10/hour..... because the job started at $7.50 and you get a 25 cent raise a year..... if you are lucky... some years no raises.
I know people who have been laid off by companies here that were making over $30,000/yr only to find that any job that is hiring is hiring at most $6.75 with no benefits.
You tell people to work hard and that they can live a decent life......... then you argue that if they haven't reached certain levels of education, no matter how hard they work they don't deserve to make enough to live and have some pride and feel like men?
You'd rather have them barely make enough to live and watch CEO's make so much they don't know what to do with it....... but because they are who they are.... they obviously know where the money needs to go far more than the guy who has to decide whether his family can eat this week or have the electric shut off.