do you 'warm down'? cos you may have lactic acid still in your legs. a warm down and stretch would help work the lactic acid out of your legs. a light stroll home and stretches seem to do me fine.
a hot shower and stretches at home is ideal, but most people dont bother iwth the stretches once they get home.
you can also get some supplements to help recovery time, but ive never been a fan of any supplements really..
if i do have a hard session in the gym, usually itll be a little sore the next day but even sorer the day after, but by the third day totally gone. so maybe try doing the same muscle 3 or 4 days apart depending on your body recovery cycle.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy