Originally Posted by Gilda
Slick. You start with a comparison of two parent families to single parent families and contort that into an argument against homosexual marriage. A comparison between children being raised by two opposite sex parents to those raised by a single parent of either sex says nothing about the fitness of homosexual couples to raise children and the outcome of such situations.
You would have to study homosexual couples raising children to determine what kinds of outcomes could be expected, and such study has in fact been done. All of the evidence indicates that children of homosexuals turn out about the same as heterosexuals, and that being raised by a homosexual couple does not harm children in any way. Outcomes are about the same for both groups on average. The major medical associations dealing with the care of children have policy statments favoring homosexuals being given equal treatment in parenting.
Here a summary of the research, based primarily on the study of children raised by lesbian couples.
I'm quite sure that you'll find that article interesting to read. You have both advocates and opponents of gay marriages alike questioning the validity of the studies done in the 70's, 80's and 90's. It's not a good sign when one of the major proponents of gay marriage rejects the studies which would help to strengthen her own cause.
You didn't prove that a child needs a mother and a father. The actual evidence says that a homosexual couple is the equal of a heterosexual couple in rearing children.
The "Actual evidence" upon which you rely, is largely in question by both sides alike. There is concrete evidence proving that a child does better in a situation which involves bother a mother and a father. There is no evidence (Which isn't under question), that refutes that claim.
Don't the children of homosexuals deserve that same protection? Suppose my wife were to have a child through artificial insemination. Wouldn't that child benefit from the stability that marriage and a legal relationship with me as a parent would provide? We can do the latter--I can adopt as a co-parent, but if the stability of marriage and family is a benefit to children, aren't you harming children being raised by homosexual couples by denying them that stability?
Yes, that child would deserve stability. But-- And I hate to be a broken record-- The majority of the claims which you assert as true aren't, because they are under heavy fire from both sides. If you can show me a study that proves your claims which aren't disputed by your own side, then I'll concede the point.
Also, how would allowing legal gay marriage prevent heterosexuals from raising their children together, or lessen any of the benefits of that? I don't see any connection between one and the other.
I never said it would prevent heterosexuals from raising their children. I'm not exactly sure as to what your point is...
If you don't mean to be rude, please use the correct term, wife. I'll accept spouse also, as it means the same thing in a gender neutral way. Would you tell the men here who are married that you prefer to call their wives "partners"?
All right. Even though I don't agree with the term being used in this case, I will refer to her as your
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Did it ever occur to you that the reason heterosexual couples talk about love and rarely (if ever) about the legal benefits of marriage is because they take those legal rights for granted?
All right. That's a fair point.
Because of the peculiar nature of my own wedding (no papers, no preist) I did have to look into the legal ramifications of thumbing my nose at the establishment. If you are going to suggest that just because I examined the legality of my union that I have any less committment or love for my wife, I'd suggest you are a fool.
I don't know where you get that assumption from, but I never made any such suggestion.