Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I can't speak for everyone who's been married or thinking about being married, but generally love is the driving force for marriage as opposed to the legal benefits of marriage, but that's just what I think.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason heterosexual couples talk about love and rarely (if ever) about the legal benefits of marriage is because they take those legal rights for granted?
Because of the peculiar nature of my own wedding (no papers, no preist) I did have to look into the legal ramifications of thumbing my nose at the establishment. If you are going to suggest that just because I examined the legality of my union that I have any less committment or love for my wife, I'd suggest you are a fool.
Same-sex couples have not enjoyed the rights that have been available to heterosexual couples. They do not take anything for granted. I suggest that you ask this same question in 10 to 15 years from now, in Canada... I promise you, they will be taking these rights for granted just like heteros and it will be all about the love.