I just don't understand, I guess. I think the existance of homosexuals and divorce rate indicate that male/female life-long partnership is not the universal norm for human beings and, at one point in our species's social development, simple survival required that we force it on ourselves in order to guarantee that there were children and that they were provided for. We no longer have that problem, and I don't see any evidence that either homosexual relationships or divorce are destroying our society.
I see a trend towards not holding people accountable for their actions which has led to people getting married irresponsably and having children irresponsably. You're attributing a wide range of social ills to the eixstance of divorce and adovaction for gay rights, when I don't think that either of those things can conclusively said to have the slightest bit to do with those social ills, except that they happen to be happening concurrently.
I suppose we destroyed society when we let women vote, did away with slavery, did away with segregation and legalized abortion, huh? Well, we've come this far, might as well knock out another one.