Pearl Jam Concert
So, I finally got to see PJ last saturday. The album Ten came out when I was 10 and I have been waiting ever since. There was that whole sordid ticketmaster deal, and bad timing to boot. But anyway, it was well worth the waite. I have never been to a show where the audience was thanked so much, at least 12 times. Eddie likes to talk to the audience to, I think its because he drinks and smokes so much on stage, and he needs to catch his breath. At one point he brought out the new issue of Rolling Stone magazine that he's on the cover of and proceeded to wipe his ass with it. He's got a stack of about 50 he sais and always wipes his ass with them. He says they pissed him off because the whole band was supposed to be on the cover, not just him. Which I thaught was really cool, giving his band props.
Just curious if any other TFPers have caught this tour, or any others and what you thought.
I searched, but is there a "summer concert series" thread?