Missed this:
"14. Who selects the Supreme Court justices?"
It was a trick question on account of the senate choosing the supreme court justices and the president choosing the nominees.
Somehow I managed to screw the pooch on knowing the original 13 colonies. I know them, I just wasn't paying attention when I read the question.
I had no idea about the immigration forms.
And then I once again wasn't paying attention to the answers on the last question about freedoms given to us. I just saw the first one and thought that's what it was, but I suspect that if I was paying attention to the other answers I would have realised that what I was thinking was the Declaration of Independence, not the Bill of Rights.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips