Not too much of a variety though, I noticed. Those of us who have kids, no matter what age the kids are and no matter what age we became parents, are pretty much in agreement that it's awesome, if a very difficult job. Those who don't have kids don't get the connection, really and, having been there myself, I can relate. I still do in a way since kids I don't know but who make their presence known in a variety of ways, I don't like (seems every day at work at the sound of a whiner or crier, I'm mumbling to 'shut that damn kid up!')
I think that, if I had to do it over again, the only thing I would change is that I'd have been even MORE diligent in my fertility treatments, if that was possible. But I'm a firm believer that things happen to us when they are supposed to and had things truly turned out otherwise, I wouldn't have the ones I have now and I can't imagine my life without them. I knew early on the one thing I would be is a Mom-never even considered being a wife, but having kids was always going to happen.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.