Sorry for the extended time between posts.
Originally Posted by Gilda
I'm stating a fact. Marriage is a civil right in the United States. Loving v. Virginia. It has not been overturned since.
...Yet that "Right" can be taken away by a state-- Or even the Federal Government-- If the populace so wishes. While I understand what you're getting at, rights normally can't be abridged.
Cool. So if Grace and I go out and find a man to marry, you'd be fine with the marriage? Hmmmm. There are a few gay male couples at church. We could marry one of those couples, the husbands would have their room, the wives thiers, and it's all kosher. A capital idea!
There'd be no point in doing that, as you and your partner wouldn't be receiving the legal benefits which you seek from marriage (Referencing one of your earlier anecdotes). And, by the way, no I don't support that.
[QUOTE]Ohh, and built in sperm donors for our children, and a surrogate for theirs! This idea just gets better and better.[QUOTE]
This and the former issues are seperate of each other. While I do have a problem with gay marriage, I have no problems with gays adopting and raising children. Therefore, if you want to do that then it's A-OK by me.
Homosexuality isn't a practice, it's a condition.
All right. I'll change the word from "Practice" to "Condition", but my question still stands. Was homosexuality commonplace, or was gay marriage an accepted practice in the ancient Roman culture? Don't mix up the two concepts. In the United States homosexuality is an accepted condition, but we don't legalize gay marriages.
If a man dresses as a woman, takes on the social role of a woman, and forms a permanent mating pair with another male, I cannot see how that's not either transsexuality or homosexuality. If you accept that as a social sex change, it's transsexual, or at least bi-gender (like Ty Greenstein, my god s/he's hot), and if not, then you have a male/male pairing that is not only accepted but often celebrated, and in dozens of different cultures across pre-Colombian North America.
All right. I'll concede the point about being paired with another man (Even though they weren't always expected to) as being an act of transexuality.
Maybe, maybe not. I am married by the way, just not civilly married, and I would prefer to be legally married, so I think I value the institution just as much as you do. Among other things, it provides a stable environment for the rearing of children.
It sounds to me as if you value the legal benefits of marriage moreso than you do the "Love" aspects of marriage (That's simply my opinion).
When I say "unnatural" I mean either "not ocurring in nature" or "actions deviating from one's own nature". If I were to have sex with a man, that would be unnatural for me.
All right. I agree with that point.