Originally Posted by avernus
Not sure if this will be any help but a program called SpinRite by the GRC corp ( www.grc.com) is very good at analysing and retreiving data from hard drives. The main guy at grc programed it in assembly, it bypasses all the normal OS protection and reads the drive bit by bit, anlysing the realiability as it goes. It comes on a bootable CD. I'd use that to retreive the data, then I'd use a live CD to boot and copy the recovered data to a USB external.
I just had to deal with my gfs busted HD and this prog was a life saver. Good luck.
I’ve heard great things about spinrite, I personally use GetData Back
http://www.runtime.org/, but that requires an OS to be run under, no bootable CD. I do data recovery to pay the bills. The software is expensive, but most of the 'dead' drives I see are not really dead, but they are having difficulty reading to the point where windows can't load, but if you get them into a second system, you can still read all the files just fine, allot of the time I can just use Norton ghost to copy drive to drive to a new drive and stick the new drive in and it is as if nothing happened