Originally Posted by Charlatan
Whether or not a marriage is 'sacred' or not is irrelevant.
How is it irrelevant? Simply because you do not agree with an assumption does not mean that it's irrelevant.
There are other reasons and traditions but in the end but what does it really matter in this day and age? Sacred is as sacred does? Who are you to judge and say that the committment between one couple (let's call them Grace and Gilda) is more meaningful than another?
What about this day and age? As I'm sure you are fully aware, gay marriage is still highly opposed in the majority of the world. Saying "what does it really matter in this day in age" is simply a way of ignoring other people's opinions and beliefs regarding gay marriage.
If you have no problems with gays in general, you should have no problems with gay marriage.
Why do you deem it impossible for people to oppose gay marriage but have no problems with gays in general?
Again, you have yet to provide any reason other than that you think it is "wrong"... and that's just not enough to deny someone's rights.
I'm sure that I more than likely stated this prior, but I suppose one more time couldn't hurt. It is my opinion that marriage is strictly between males and females. Unites States law as well as well as public opinion sees that marriage is between a male and female. Now, as I know what your counter argument will be, my question to you is who says that mariage should be extended to gays?