The problem with VBA is that you need to know the Office app very well in order to use it effectively. Not knowing Excel inside and out will seriously handicap you. Not knowing VBA is less of an issue. With regard to JinnKai's snipe at VB being useless as a programming language, I would disagree. While building a full application with it is a pain in the ass due to DLL hell, it can do most things you want and hooks into the WinAPI quite nicely. That aside, if you know C++ then picking up the syntax of VB is very simple. The difficult part is pulling the files in and making them useful data-wise. Once you've tackled that you should be able to do what you need to with the data. The best way to handle text files in varying formats is generally brute force, you can do it elegantly, but it's a pain in the ass.
Not sure that any of that is helpful, but with the info you've given it's all I've got. One good piece of advice I can give you is to utilize the Microsoft newgroups for Excel VBA. That should be a huge help.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.