Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
To me, an essential ingredient of bigotry is disrespect, and I just don't see that in many of my friends/family who are opposed to same-sex marriage.
This is where we differ. I think bigotry applies to anyone who would knowingly or unknowingly seek or passively support efforts to deny civil rights or even basic respect to a certain subset of people based on arbitrary, selective, or faulty logic.
Let me be clear, though; i don't think bigots are automatically bad people. I know plenty of people whom i consider to be bigots, at least in some respect, that are actually great people(aside from the whole bigot thing). I think that it is also axiomatic that bigots are misinformed individuals. To me it makes no difference(in terms of the application of the term bigot) whether that misinformation is acted on or not.