Originally Posted by guthmund
The movie looks good, although I have to wonder how they're going to fit all this in one movie. Gwen, Peter's relationship with M.J., Eddie Brock/Venom, Sandman, Harry and his stint with Daddy's toys, not to mention the mysterious 4th baddie. That's a lot of stuff to squeeze into a couple of hours.
Looks very good though.
My guess is that the focus will be on Sandman and Peter's relationship with MJ. I wouldn't be suprised if the Sandman plot will wind up in this flick, and the plot with Harry will continue into movie 4. They will probably also set up the Venom plot (Venom binding with whatshisface and becoming an enemy) at the end of this movie and have him be one of the main characters in the 4th.
Then again, I'm just pulling this stuff outta my ass.