Originally Posted by Mondak
My previous advice was to go through everything that the choice will affect (which is pretty much everything there is...) and see where that puts you. Sometimes kids can put some distance between a couple temporarily as your emotional focus has to shift. Can everyone handle that? What activities do you like? If the answer is that your favorite thing to do is watch Barney on TV, then that might be a check in the right direction.
So you had a kid because all the affects were good and you liked watching Barney?
By that logic no one should have kids ever.
There are almost NO logical reasons for having kids. Unless you think in terms of species and genetics there is no 'reason' for children that has a direct logical tie.
I don't like changing diapers, I don't like being stuck home on a Friday night, I don't like the watching 'The Wiggles', I don't like spending money on tiny clothes, I don't like picking food off the floor, I don't like little hands trying to hit my keyboard while I type, I don't like being woken up at night because of a bad dream, and I don't like waiting for the kid to fall asleep to get laid.
Oddly its all worth it, and doesn't seem to be much of a bother.