Two things, one risky, one just mental!
- At a theater in London, I was watching Hamlet and trying to stay awake. I was in an aisle seat, and I had a big poncho-y thing that made a tent over me. I very quietly masturbated and had an orgasm that looked like a yawn and stretch. I don't think anybody noticed. But if they did, at least it was more interesting than the damn play:-D
- The other one was just stupid stupid stupid. But it lost me points on my purity test! I was driving back to college by myself, on a deserted and straight-as-an-arrow stretch of Minnesota highway, and I hadn't seen ratbastid for all of spring break. I masturbated and had a big old orgasm while driving down the road on cruise control. I'm lucky I didn't crash, but it was a really good orgasm.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France