If I went into the insurance industry, I would be fourth generation, I cut my teeth on my mom's desk. Not the most exciting thing, but a necessary one.
Insurance varys state to state. What state are you in? Is it a no fault or an at fault state? This is really important because in a no fault state everyone takes care of their own, no matter who caused the accident.
As for getting quotes, you want to look in your local phone book and find an independant agent, if you want the best rates. Independant agents are more likely to give you more discounts inorder to get your business. The big companies are not going to want to give you these. The thing with car insurance is that it is not the money maker. The plan is to get your car insurance, then you bikes and boats, then your home, and then life insurance-which is were the real money is made.
The value of your car is not relevant to the deductible. They are what they are. Go ahead and raise your deductible so you pay less each month, and save the extra money. If your car gets totaled, your still only going to get what the ins. company thinks its worth. If you dont think it will be worth anything than just carry indemnity, which is liability only, and just pays for damage that you do, not your car.
Personally, If I were you I would raise my liability Bodily injury limits. If you ever cause a bad accident you will be glad that you did. Thats only 25k per person, up to 50k per accident, I dont think its enough....Property damage is fine, just dont run into any buildings. But, I would think about raising the medical payments also, again 10k is not that much.
Don't worry about towing raising your rates. The other stuff is what will get ya. But the other stuff in the article is pretty much correct.
hope I could help a little,
Last edited by cookmo; 06-27-2006 at 09:54 PM..