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Old 06-27-2006, 07:05 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lady Sage
If Ms. Rowling likes it or not someone will always be able to bring Harry back. At the last split second he transfigured himself into a dust mite and lived or some sort. I feel that from what she said at her interview that she is going to commit literary suicide. The madness that she is talking will make a goodly portion of her avid readers.... well, HATE her. At that point she wouldnt make much money on any possible future novels.

I dunno, only time will tell I suppose... but she needs to get that last book written and they need to get those dagnabbit movies made... Maggie Smith isnt getting any younger yanno!

She's still leaving the door open for Harry to come back assuming he's killed. Doyle pulled it off with Sherlock Holmes. Even assuming everyone hates her, if she writes an 8th book, I guarantee people will buy it in droves
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