Will if there is smoke, what are the odds that there is fire?
Will the problem with that Uranium they found is something that I had referenced in the thread. It was equipment bought from Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of the Pakistani Nuclear Program, a man who was caught for selling illegal nuclear techonology and bomb plans on the black market. This is backed up by Libya disclosing the details of there relationship with him, and his dealings with North Korea on the same issue. It's a little convienent, is it not,(sp) that although this man has been caught red handed for illegal nuclear dealings, somehow Iran is clean?
Edit: I guess what's even more funny is that the UN found those "tainted" samples in investigation, but they were "cleaned" up. If Iran had nothing to hide they would've first disclosed the fact that they had bought the materials from Pakistan, they didn't; at the same time I reckon if they had nothing to hide, there would've been no reason to try and hide the fact that they had enriched uranium at such high levels, that after actively trying to hide it and clean it up, the UN was still able to find samples of enriched Uranium at levels of 30% or higher.
What does it all mean?