We've got 7 in our fleet at work. We got the base model. It's OK, but not great. The seats are pretty flat - not very good bolster support on the sides. The interior is grey, grey, and more grey. Hope you like monotones, 'cause you're getting it in the Cherokee
I'm also not big on the pseudo-tank look that a lot of SUV's including the Cherokee are going to these days. I can't speak much for this model's reliability but I can tell you that of the 9 '04 Cherokee's we bought 2 years ago, 7 of them have been in for significant repairs already. Now keep in mind that in 2 years we put an average of 70,000 miles on them, so this is actually more like a 3 or 4 year reliability report for a normal driver.
I wish it didn't come standard with autostick, because the autostick in the cherokee is lame as hell. I'd rather be able to get some money knocked off the price in exchange for dropping that option.
Also keep in mind that the cherokee is more of a mid-sized SUV. I would NOT describe it as small by any means.
If I were looking for a new SUV I'd be looking at Honda/Acura or, if I had money and didn't care that a sportscar company making an SUV is WRONG (
) I'd also look at Porsche.