Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Marriage is the union of a man and a woman by definition.
This study from Scandinavia shows that same-sex marriage led to the deterioration of their institution of marriage.
Marriage requires procreation.
Three off the top of my head. Keep in mind that I'm not submitting them as good arguments; they are, in fact, seriously flawed arguments. But now you get to explain why anyone who makes these arguments must be a bigot, as opposed to merely mistaken.
Just being mistaken is fine, because it implies some sort of misunderstanding, e.g. "Oops. I misread the recipe and accidentally put in two cups of sugar instead of two tablespoons." Do people who are "just mistaken" about homosexuality even exist? Is fred phelps "just mistaken" and should i feel bad about calling him a bigot on the off chance that he is?
People who opppose gay rights are bigots because generally the particular line of reasoning that they employ isn't relevant to their position. They are bigots because the level of commitment they have with respect to any argument against homosexuality is directly related to their ability to convince others of that argument's veracity. Once a particular line of reasoning is discredited they move on to another one. Their preexisting disdain for homosexuality necessitates some sort of rationalization, the specifics of which aren't important.
I feel very comfortable labelling all who oppose homosexuality bigots, because the vast vast vast majority of them are. On the off chance that they are "just mistaken", well, they shouldn't feel so bad, i was "just mistaken" too.