Originally Posted by Dawns75
Also, whenever I feel good about an accomplishment, I tell her about it and she acts very annoyed, laughs or puts me down and responds self-critically about her own lack of success in that area, whether it be men, sex, weight, or work.
I have a friend like that. While she is nothing quite like your friend in terms of the other behavior you described, my friend is very insecure about herself and I feel like this prevents us from actually being that close. She has a hard time genuinely feeling good about anything good that happens to me, since she sees it as a reflection on her own lack of accomplishments (that's in her mind; personally, I think she has accomplished a ton, and I tell her that). I keep my distance from her in certain areas because they are just dangerous topics, and I don't trust her reaction.
Now, as for the other behavior your friend is exhibiting... wow. How long have you two been friends? How close do you really feel to her? I don't know if I'd want someone around me who sounds as toxic as your friend does... but that's your call. I'd pretty much call that unhealthy as hell and bordering on abusive. I'd say you need to get some serious space from her and let her know that if she doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated, then you won't be her friend anymore.