Originally Posted by maleficent
Looks like I'm going to have to speed up my plot for world dominiation, well at least domestic domination...
I stand by my original statement that I don't think anyone should get married, that all marriage is, is just a piece of paper... but...
if the tax status were gotten rid of, and people were smart enough to have wills and powers of attorney and that other stuff (which every adult should have anyhow) What does it matter who marries who?
What right does any government have to legalize or illegalize marriage?
A person could marry their freakin' dog for all I care... the government has no place saying that it's either legal or illegal.
I used to feel that way too. Now, -I don't know- I guess I am begining to think differently. Thses days people usually live together before they are married, and then get married. I always though -what's the difference now? Nothing has changed except a last name maybe. But now I think the idea of marriage is more romantic than practical. It's making this momumental coomitment to another person offical, and it parades it around in front of others so to tell everyone "See, I love this person so I don't try anything."
I am not married so maybe my view is naive, but to me it is very romantic. And that too me is the basis of why anyone should be allowed to marry whomever they like.