Originally Posted by JinnKai
If YOU remember, the Fourteenth Amendent addressed a similar idea:
Aside from specifically preventing states from invoking laws which take away priveleges granted to OTHER United States Citizens, it prevents taking away life, liberty, and property. Read the list I have above and show me one that's not one of those three.
If you're going to quote the Constitution, remember that the same document can be taken two ways.
No, I didn't forget the 14th Amendment. I fully well realize realize what it says and I fully well realize what it means. Now, with that being said, I might be wrong, but I distinctly remember a series of states taking votes regarding a ban on gay marriages, all of which passed resoundingly (I believe this was back in 2004).
I haven't kept up too much with recent activities, but unless those laws were revoked, then doesn't that show that states can indeed pass bans on gay marriage?